Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011

Filipino Entrepreneurs

Alfredo M. Yao – Zest-O Corp. (Zest-O)

Bernie H. Liu – owner of Penshoppe



Henry Sy - One of the richest Filipino entrepreneurs. He's the owner of SM malls


Ben Chan – Bench Apparels (Bench)   


source of the pictures :

Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2011

Can You Apply It Now (page 20)

The Entrepreneurial Characteristics of  Carla :
3. Desire for Immediate Feedback
4. Well Defined Values
5. Decision Making Skills
6. Self Confidence
7. Self Control
8. Strong Desire To Achieve
9. High Energy Level
10. Desire for Responsibility

Can You understand (page 15)

1.    Evaluate the different entrepreneurial characteristics under PECs. How do applying similar characteristics helps us succeed in other areas of life? Explain your answer by giving examples.

Vigilance for Opportunities
Commitment to work contract
Willing to Take Risks 
Demand for Efficiency and Quality
Goal Setting
Information Seeking
Systematic Planning and Monitoring
Persuasion and Networking
Self Confidence

 Vigilance for opportunities:
Paolo and his classmates are required to do a lot of paper works that is needed to be typewritten. Because Paolo has a computer, he can offer his classmates to rent his computer for a fee

Commitment to work contract:
Paolo sometimes finds it hardly to finish because he has some paper works to, but Paolo does his best so he skips his leisure time finishing the paper works that his classmates entrusted to him

Because he is swamped with typing jobs, Paolo sometimes mixed up his classmates paper works but instead of quitting, he does all of this things from the start

Willingness to take risks:
After all the paper works he have done, Paolo saves enough money so he manages to buy a 2nd computer

Demand for efficiency and quality:
Paolo practices accurate typing and improves his speed. He does this to make sure he is able to come up with the best results at the fastest time possible

Goal setting:
Soon, many of Paolo's classmates frequent visits his house to take turns renting his computers. He then resolved to use all his profits to buy two more secondhand computers in the next 2 months

Information seeking:
Paolo's classmates started asking to apply internet connection so they won't have to rent outside to do their research. He made inquires about the best internet service provider and the most ideal package for his purpose.

Systematic planning and monitoring:
Having acquired two or more computers, he carefully planned on the additional software to install in the units so the units will not slow down. He also installed a program that automatically records computer use

Persuasion and Networking:
After installing the necessary applications, he convinced his classmates that they will have access to all the software that they need to do their assignments. He was also able to convince them to pass the news around about his superior services

Self confidence:
 Although there are bigger computer shops around, Paolo's classmates still refer to use his computers. This is because he shows total belief in the advantages of his services over the more expensive and impersonal shops.

If we apply the similar characteristics it will help us succeed in other areas of life by means of having easily a job because the company will get advantage having workers like you. It can also help us in building a business if we have these traits the business will be successful.

2.   Explain how having the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies can help you become a successful entrepreneur.

PECs can help an entrepreneur to become successful by guiding him/her through these competencies on the important detail of the business and establish various characteristics of a good entrepreneur.

Sabado, Hunyo 11, 2011

answer to assignment number 3

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies – These are characteristics that my help a businessperson to succeed.

1. Integrity

The entrepreneur has a clear sense of values and beliefs that underpin the creative and business decisions that they make; and that influence the actions they take, particularly when in difficult or challenging circumstances

2. Conceptual Thinking

 The entrepreneur is prepared to use fresh approaches; comes up with crazy ideas that may or must work, leading to radical change or significant improvements; and takes time listen to new ideas without pre-judgment

3. Risk taking

the entrepreneur understands that risk taking means trying something new, and possibly better, in the sense of stretching beyond what has been done in the past; and that the constant challenge is to learn how to assess choices responsibly, weighing the possible outcomes against his/her values and responsibilities

4. Networking

The entrepreneur understands that networking is a key business activity which can provide access to information, expertise, collaboration and sales; and that careful planning and preparation helps achieve desired results

5. Strategic Thinking

The entrepreneur understands and values the planning process, thinking and planning over a significant timescale; recognizes external trends and opportunities; and is able to think through any complex implications for the business

6. Commercial Aptitude

The entrepreneur keeps up to date with developments in the sector; seeks out best practice; and identifies and seizes opportunities that are not obvious to others

7. Decisiveness

the entrepreneur resolves issues as they arise; does not get bogged down in analysis during decision making; and responds flexibly to deal with changing priorities

8. Optimism

The entrepreneur persists in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks; operates from hope of success rather than from fear of failure; and sees setbacks as due to manageable circumstance rather than a personal flaw.

9. Customer Sensitivity

 The entrepreneur builds trust and long term relationships with customers; generates an expectation of high level of customer service; and regularly exceeds customer expectation

10. People Focus

The entrepreneur creates common purpose with colleagues through shared vision and values; walks the talk; sees and values the best in others; builds the total capability of the immediate and wider team; and always considers the principles of inclusiveness in planning and dealing with others


 The entrepreneur should be able to
 Take actions that go beyond his job
 requirements and to act faster. He is
 always ahead of others and able to
 lead the business or industry.

 Does things before being asked or
 Compelled by the situation
 Acts to extend the business into new
 Areas, products or services

12. Sees and acts on opportunities

An entrepreneur always search for
And takes action on opportunities

Sees and acts on new business
Seizes unusual opportunities to
obtain financing, equipment, land,
work space or assistance

13. Persistence

An entrepreneur is able to make repeated
efforts or to take different actions to
overcome an obstacle that gets in the way
of reaching his/her goals.

Takes repeated or different course of action to
Overcome a problem or obstacle.
Never gives-up easily.

14. Information seeking

An entrepreneur is able to take action on how
To get information in order to help the
business to achieve its objectives or to solve
business problems

Conduct personal research on a product or service
Consults experts or relevant authorities to get
Relevant information
Personally undertakes market research, analysis or
Uses contacts or information networks to obtain
Useful information

15. Risk Taking 

Deliberately calculates risks and evaluates alternatives
Takes action to reduce risks or control outcomes
Places self in situations involving a challenge or moderate risk
Leadership qualities – A businessman or woman must be able to lead his or her staff members as well as other associates. He or she must be able to guide others in carrying out business and make a success of it. Business involves many risks, which a business person must not hesitate to take. Lot of financial involvement is there and obviously one has to be careful with investments. Yet risks have to be taken in money matters as well. Sometimes a businessman may lose out on his or her venture, but when he or she make a success of it then he or she has much to gain, both financially and from a personal satisfaction point of view.

16. Decisive  

A successful businessman or woman has to be very decisive. He or she has to take many decisions sometimes on the spur of the moment. Any vacillation in decisions could affect their business. They have to be very firm in their decisions. Also, while taking decisions they must not get influenced by others. They should be able to take decisions independently

17. Confident 

Achieving success in business requires confidence. A businessman or businesswoman has to be sure of him or herself about reaching the set targets of success. Diffidence does not help. Self-image is enhanced, when one is confident.

18. Willingness 

 A businessman or woman must be willing to undertake any matters concerning their business venture. He or she must not hesitate for personal or other reasons. Willingness to extend a helping hand is very essential.

19. Enterprising 

One has to be enterprising in order to achieve significant results in business. He or she has to have the zeal to do things. A laid- back approach will not help.

20. Innovative 

New ideas help make a business venture successful. A successful businessman or woman must be innovative and always strive for something better. New concepts must be formulated and new ways of doing business must be thought of.


Biyernes, Hunyo 10, 2011

answer to assignment number 2

The First Television Ever Invented

Today we flip through the thousands of channels on our satellite televisions, loudly exclaim that there is nothing on the tube and throw our state of the arts universal remote controls down on the couch. There was a time, however, when there was no such thing as a television, much less DVRs to record hundreds of hours of shows. Yes. I know. It is hard to believe.
The television was not invented by one person like the light bulb. Instead it was the inventions of two men that over time came together to become the first modern day television. John Logie Baird of Scotland was the first to come up with the idea of a "television transmitter" and created the first television using the inventions of others. Baird began to show off his invention, in 1923 and after some perfecting the television began to be commercialized. By 1936, the BBC began television broadcasting using the Baird television. In 1939, there were a reported 20,000 television sets in London alone. While the invention was genius, it was also unreliable.
In 1928, the young American Philo Farnsworth made the first (reliable and working) television system. Though others had a hand in it and many attempted to produce their own versions of the television, Farnsworth is credited with inventing the modern day television off of which the first wide spread commercial production was made. By the 1940's televisions began to be mass produced and pretty soon nearly everyone had one.
Decades later, television has transformed not only into the box of millions of shows and movies but also spawned into small cell phone receivers, Video iPods, user generated video like YouTube and even interactive TV like the Nintendo Wii and the Playstation2 Eye Capture.

The inventor of the first inventor.
The first television.

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