Lunes, Agosto 29, 2011

long weekend's end!

hayy! sayang! bukas tapos na ung long weekend and rest ko!!!!!!

Huwebes, Agosto 25, 2011


Open Office

Power Point
Smart Art


Application Document - .sdw
Master Document - .sgl





    Writer: a decent word processor. Some people say it's better than MS Word.
    Calc: the OpenOffice spreadsheet program and a replacement for MS Excel. 
    Impress: a presentation program that replaces MS PowerPoint. 
    Drawa two- and three-dimensional drawing program that many people rate more highly than the same functions within MS Office.

Sabado, Agosto 20, 2011


ang hirap mag journalism! ala akong maisip na gawing article!!!!!

Biyernes, Agosto 19, 2011


Kakapagod naman ung pag-akyat dun sa taas!!!!!!!

Lunes, Agosto 15, 2011


hay, naku ala akong magawa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabado, Agosto 6, 2011

Lesson 3 in chapter 3

It is about the ways of taking care of your computer,good working habits,proper workstation design, and proper posture while using the computer.

1.       How to take care of your Computer
a.     Computer need to be placed in a cool and dry place.
b.     Avoid eating in front of your computer.  Foodbits attract  insects like ants and cockroaches that can damage your  computer. Spilled drinks might cause short circuits.
c.     Always use an avr   to regulate the electricity .
d.    Turn off computers during  lightning.
e.      Use soft clothes in cleaning your computer to avoid scratches.
f.      Always scan for computer viruses.
2.      Computers can also cause health risks on the users like eye strain, wrist injury, and pains in the head, back and neck due to prolonged use of it.
3.      To prevent this problems,
a.     Avoid staring at the monitor for a long period of time. Do eye exercises.
b.     Avoid long periods of typing.
c.     Tap on the keys and mouse buttons gently.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

Types of Computers

Types of Computers

  •  Desktop computers
  •  Workstations
  •  Notebook computers
  •  Tablet computers
  •  Handheld computers
  •  Smart phones
  •  Supercomputers
  •  Mainframe computers
  •  Minicomputers

Desktop computers
Different type of computers
The most common computer used in today’s world are the desktop computers which were specially built for personal use be it at home or work. These computers are everywhere, from your office, to your house, schools, laboratories and even public places like a public library, universities and so on. There is a great chance that you have accessed this website using a desktop computer.
Today’s computers are brilliant at task management than many years ago. Today’s desktop computers can be used to communicate, produce music, edit photographs and videos, play sophisticated games, and much more.
As the name implies, a desktop computer is a full size computer that is too big to be carried around. Nowadays, most desktop computers are equipped with two primary hardware solutions – the monitor and a casing inside which is stored the central processing unit (CPU), the motherboard, the graphic card, storage devices, buses, power supply and so on.
A desktop computer is also equipped with a keyboard and mouse which are connected to their appropriate ports at the back of the casing.
A workstation is a specialized, single user computer that typically has more power and features than a standard desktop computer. These machines are more popular in the lab of scientists, engineers or even animators who require a system with greater than average speed and power to perform sophisticated calculations, rendering, or high level tasks.
Workstations often have larger and higher resolution monitors, and accelerated graphics. In relation to this, I would give you an example : - such as the Quadro series of graphic cards. They are commonly used in workstations.
This higher specifications allow for advanced architectural engineering design, modeling ,animation and even video editing.
Notebook computers
Notebook computers as the name implies is approximately the size of an 8.5-11 inch notebook and can easily fit inside a briefcase. Since most people including yourself would set this device on your lap and use it conveniently in eateries, cafes, at the work place, in education institutions and so on, hence the name laptop.
Notebook computers can operate on alternating current or special batteries. These special device also weighs less than 8 pounds and some even lesser than three pounds.
Using a laptop is as simple as opening a book. Think of it as opening your notebook. Similarly, when a laptop is opened, the upper lid will present a screen or lcd monitor. At the bottom is the keyboard and beneath the keyboard is the specialty hardware such as the motherboard, cpu, hard-disk and so on.
The portability of laptops is one of the most major reasons for the increased use of laptops nowadays. They are the mobile computers that can be carried anywhere and used conveniently.
Tablet PC
Different type of computers
Tablet PC’s are some of the more newer developments in portable, full featured computers. Tablet PC’s just like a notebook offers the full range of functionalities except that they are lighter and accepts input from pen/pointers known as a stylus.
Most interactions are done directly via the screen of the computer and some tablet PC’s also allow for input via the user’s voice. As you know, even phones these days accept voice commands to get things done.
Tablet PC’s can run specialized versions of standard programs and can be connected to a network or to the internet. Certain and in most new models now – a keyboard and a mouse can be attached as well.
Tablet PC’s are used mainly in the graphic design field where drawing on the tablet PC’s can be translated into digital drawings and be edited by various graphic editing tools.
Handheld PC’s
Different type of computers
Handheld personal computers are computing devices small enough to fit in your hand. A popular type of handheld computer is the personal digital assistant (PDA).
A PDA is no larger than a small appointment book and is normally used for special applications such as taking notes, displaying telephone numbers and addresses and keeping track of dates or agendas.
Many PDA’s can be connected to computers to exchange data. Most PDAs come with a pen (stylus) that allows for handwriting recognition and some even have tiny built-in keyboards or microphones for voice input.
A wireless connection (Wi-Fi) can be used to access the internet with a PDA. PDAs in the later part of this century were converted into phones, cameras, music players and GPS.
The demands for PDA phones have been in the increase and of late have been mostly replaced by smart-phones that are equipped with much functionality similar to a computer.
Smart phones
Different type of computers
Smart phones are handheld devices or mobile phones that have a processing unit attached to act as a handheld computer cum phone.
These phones offer advanced features not typically found in normal cellular phones. These phones come with additional features beyond the traditional SMS and calling features. Smart phones these days allow you to surf the internet using your phone, take pictures, videos, listen to music, conduct presentations, record voice, play games, e-mail, and many other additional features.
Smart phones are also equipped with an operating system just like your desktop or laptop computers are equipped with an operating system, Windows, Linux, etc;
Different type of computers
Supercomputers are the most fastest, and expensive modern computer systems. They are mostly used for intense processing and forecasting such as forecasting the weather, or super high resolution graphics such as ray traced images.
Government processes such as immigration clearances, and all other high level functionalities are handled by a supercomputer.
Supercomputers are also extensively used in the military to manage and calculate or even analyze full range of information from coordinates to traffic control and even launching systems.
Today, the world’s fastest supercomputer was developed by IBM – the IBM Roadrunner which runs on 1.026 – 1.105 Pflops or petaflops and is placed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico USA taking up a space of 6000 square feet.
Mainframe computers
Different type of computers
Mainframe computers are used in large organizations such as insurance companies and banks, where many people frequently need to use the same data. In a traditional mainframe environment, each user accesses the mainframe’s resources through a terminal (network terminal).
There are two kinds of terminal, one is a dumb terminal which does not process or store data, just basic I/O – input output and the intelligent terminal which can perform processing operations but these terminals normally do not have any storage.
Mainframes are large and powerful systems to handle the processing of thousands of users at any one time. Most large organizations implement mainframes due to their flexibilities in which department computers can be allocated a certain functionality that is related to the department in response to all programs.
For instance, an airline company which wishes to sell tickets online through the internet will require to connect their current website interface to a mainframe system.
You as the user would then connect to the website or the mainframe system to key in your ticket purchase.
Different type of computers
Minicomputers are small sized computers which have their capabilities between the range of a personal desktop computer and a mainframe.
Minicomputers were replaced by the microcomputers which took over the reign of those mighty minicomputers due to their greater processing power.
Today, mini and micro computers are replaced by much more powerful systems.

Computer History

Computer History

The First Computing Machines "Computers"
Since ancient times, people have had ways to deal with data and numbers.  Early people tied knots in rope and carved marks on clay tablets to keep track of livestock and trade.  Some people considered the 5000 year old ABACUS-- a frame with beads strung on wires to be the first true computing aid.

As trade and tax system grew in complexity, people saw that faster, more reliable and exact tools were needed for doing math and keeping records.
In the mid-1600's, Blaise Pascal and his father, who was a tax officer himself, were working on taxes for the French government in Paris.  The two spent hours figuring and refiguring taxes that each citizen owed.  Young Blaise decided in 1642 to build an adding and subtraction machine that could aide in such a tedious and time consuming process.  The machine Blaise made had a set of eight gears that worked together much like an odometer keeps track of a car's mileage.  His machine encountered many of problems.  For one, it was always breaking down.  Second, the machine was slow and extremely costly.  And third, people were afraid to use the machine thinking it might replace their jobs.  Pascal later became famous for math and philosophy, but he is still remember for his role in computer technology.  In his honor, there is a computer language named Pascal.
The next big step for computers arrived in the 1830's when Charles Babbage decided to build a machine to help him complete and print mathematical tables.  Babbage was a mathematician who taught at Cambridge University in England.  He began planning his calculating machine calling it the Analytical Engine.  The idea for this machine was amazingly like the computer we know today.  It was to read a program from punched cards, figure and store the answers to different problems, and print the answer on paper.  Babbage died before he could complete the machine.  However because of his remarkable ideas and work, Babbage is know as theFather of Computers.
The next huge step for computers came when Herman Hollerith entered a contest given by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The contest was to see who could build a machine that would count and record information faster.  Hollerith, a young man working for the Bureau built a machine called the Tabulating Machine that read and sorted data from punched cards.  The holes punched in the cards matched each person's answers to questions.  For example, married, single, and divorces were answers on the cards.  The Tabulator read the punched cards as they passed over tiny brushes.  Each time a brush found a hole, it completed an electrical circuit.  This caused special counting dials to increase the data for that answer.
Thanks to Hollerith's machine, instead of taking seven and a half years to count the census information it only took three years, even with 13 million more people since the last census.  Happy with his success, Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896.  The company later was sold in 1911.  And in 1912 his company became the International Business Machines Corporation, better know today as IBM.
The First Electric Powered Computer
What is considered to be the first computer was made in 1944 by Harvard's Professor Howard Aiken.  The Mark I computer was very much like the design of Charles Babbage's having mainly mechanical parts, but with some electronic parts.  His machine was designed to be programmed to do many computer jobs.  This all-purpose machine is what we now know as the PC or personal computer.  The Mark I was the first computer financed by IBM and was about 50 feet long and 8 feet tall.  It used mechanical switches to open and close its electric circuits.  It contained over 500 miles of wire and 750,000 parts.

The First All Electronic Computer The first all electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer).  ENIAC was a general purpose digital computer built in 1946 by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.  The ENIAC contained over 18,000 vacuum tubes (used instead of the mechanical switches of the Mark I) and was 1000 times faster than the Mark I.  In twenty seconds, ENIAC could do a math problem that would have taken 40 hours for one person to finish.  The ENIAC was built the time of World War II had as its first job to calculate the feasibility of a design for the hydrogen bomb.  The ENIAC was 100 feet long and 10 feet tall.
M ore Modern Computers
more modern type computer began with John von Neumann's development of software written in binary code.  It was von Neumann who began the practice of storing data and instructions in binary code and initiated the use of memory to store data, as well as programs.  A computer called the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer) was built using binary code in 1950.  Before the EDVAC, computers like the ENIAC could do only one task then they had to berewired to perform a different task or program.  The EDVAC's concept of storing different programs on punched cards instead of rewiring computers led to the computers that we know today.

While the modern computer is far better and faster than the EDVAC of its time, computers of today would not have been possible with the knowledge and work of many great inventors and pioneers. 

3 idiots....

Rancho is calling someone because there is an emergency.He saw a girl with a motorcycle,he borrow the motorcycle with the girl. They go to a house and brought a sick person into the hospital with the motorcycle. In the hospital his one friend saw his father and because of that he thanked Rancho.the girl fell in love with Rancho and she think that all the characters in the television is Rancho and she think that she is dancing with him. on that morning she go to the hospital and she saw that the three were sleeping so she wake up them because they have an exam. when they go to their exam they were 30 min. late but they take the test. their teacher did not accept their test so when their teacher is arranging the test papers they rumble the test papers and put their test papers to others. After that they went to see the results Rancho's two friends was in the 2 last positions. they taught that Rancho did not pass the test. but the girl saw that Rancho is the top notcher. After that they drink too much alcohols. After many days, the two go to Rancho's house. They saw Rancho's father that is dead. They try to speak with him but they saw different face. They asked him where is their friend but he get his rifle, so they get his father's urn and they said to him that they will flash the ashes  in the toilet. So he tell the truth that he is a true Rancho and the one their friend is their gardener. When the fake Rancho is in the 6th grade the true Rancho always gives his assignment to him for him to answer. When the math teacher saw the fake Rancho solving a 10th grade math, he was to say it to the principle but the true Rancho's father said that he said that he is his son Rancho so he study until college as Rancho
So the true Rancho give the address of the fake Rancho. When the two was on their way to the fake Rancho's house the true Rancho saw that the urn do not have ashes. He was tricked by the two. The last part I have watch is they are drinking and they are having fun.

Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

cookfest... 07-22-11 friday

... argggh..! kakapagod magluto! haha.. sayang nga lang iniba na recipe namin..:( pero aus lng un! saya nga nang xookfest ee.. di man kami nag-lesson :D tas naglibot pa kami nila.... anne,erolyn,jhulie,camilla,lorenzo,arianna,jechelle,jieg, at mhaan... saya-saya talaga!

Miyerkules, Hulyo 20, 2011

Martes, Hulyo 19, 2011

mathematics fact

A Palindrome Number is a number that reads the same backwards and forward, e.g. 13431.
A dollar can be made into small change in 293 ways.
You can remember the value of Pi (3.1415926) by counting each word's letters in "May I have a large container of coffee?"
Multiplication and succession:

1 × 8 + 1 = 9
 12 × 8 + 2 = 98
123 × 8 + 3 = 987

142857 is a cyclic number, i.e., its digits are rotated around when multiplied by any number from 1 to 6. Like this:

142857 × 1 =  142857 
142857 × 5 = 7 14285
142857 × 4 = 57 1428
142857 × 6 = 857 142
142857 × 2 = 2857 14
142857 × 3 = 42857 1

1089 multiplied by 9 gives an exact reverse: 9801.
From 0 to 1,000, the letter "A" only appears in 1,000 ("one thousand").
2 is called the "oddest" Even-Prime number. 2 is a unique Even-Prime because while all Evens are divisible by 2, any number apart from 2 that is divisible by 2, is not a Prime.

1 × 9 + 2 = 11
 12 × 9 + 3 = 111
123 × 9 + 4 = 1111

40 when written "forty" is the only number with letters in alphabetical order, while "one" is the only one with letters in reverse order.
1 googol = 10100;
1 googolplex = 10googol = 1010100 .
111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12345678 9 87654321
Pi (3.14159...) is a number that cannot be written as a fraction.
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
21978 when multiplied by 4 is the same number with digits in reverse order: 21978 x 4 = 87912
If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5...) the total is 5050.
The billionth digit of Pi is 9.
1 and 2 are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have.
2 and 5 are the only primes that end in 2 or 5.
The largest prime number is 9,808,358 digits long; more than the number of atoms in the universe.

The digits to the right of the Pi's (3.141...) decimal point can keep going forever, and there is no pattern to these digits at all.

astonomy facts....

Everything moves: Planets move within the Solar System, which moves within Milky Way Galaxy, which moves within The Local Group of Galaxies, which moves towards Virgo Cluster.
Venus and Uranus are the only planets that rotate clockwise (retrograde rotation.)
All 27 of Uranus moons are named after William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope characters.
With 63 moons, Jupiter has the largest number of moons.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made up of just gas with no solid surface to land on.
The temperature on Mercury varies so extremely that it will rise up to 430C during the day and drop as low as -140C at night.
The largest known star Canis Majoris is so big that if our Sun were a ball 117cm (46in) wide, Canis Majoris would be 2.25 kilometers (1.3 miles) wide.
Despite being closest to the sun, Mercury is not the hottest planet. The hottest planet is Venus (at 462 Celsius).
The Pistol Star is the most luminous star known - 10 million times the power of the Sun and as big as the size of Earth's entire orbit around the Sun.
Mars is red because its soil is very rusty (iron oxide.)

Crux is the smallest of modern constellations, with only 4 bright stars.
The largest of modern constellations is Hydra.
Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman or Greek god.
Saturn's moon Titan has hundreds of times more oil and natural gas than all the known reserves on Earth.
Interstellar space is not complete vacuum: there are a few hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter.
If a pinhead-size piece of the Sun were placed on Earth, one would have to stand as far as 145 kilometers (90 miles) away to be safe.
The star "Lucy" in constellation Centaurus is actually a huge cosmic diamond of 10 billion trillion trillion carats.
A neutron star has such density that a teaspoonful of its matter would weigh more than all the people on Earth.
Even though it is closest to the Sun, Mercury has ice in its craters.
Due to its size, Pluto's moon Charon is also considered to be a double dwarf planet (two planets orbiting each other), rather than a moon orbiting its planet.

Jupiter is so big that twice the mass of the rest of our Solar System's planets combined would still not be enough to equal its mass.
Made up of billions of pieces of ice, the average thickness of each of Saturn's seven giant rings only ranges from about 200 to 3000 meters.
The deepest surface point on Mars is Hellas, about 3 km deep.
Pluto is no longer considered a planet. It is now known as a "Dwarf Planet".
The full moon always rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.
About 1000 Earths would fit inside Jupiter - and the Sun could hold about 1000 Jupiters.
Voyager 1 spacecraft is the farthest human-made object in the universe.
The planet Saturn has a density lower than water. So, if placed in water it would float.
The speed of light - 299 million meters a second - would still take about 26 billion years to reach one end of the visible universe to the other.
On Uranus, each pole gets around 42 years of continuous sunlight, followed by 42 years of darkness.

The sky is blue because when sunlight collides with our atmosphere, colours of the shortest wavelengths (violet and blue) are scattered - and our eyes are more sensitive to see blue.
One of Jupiter's moons is believed to grow and shrink because of the water beneath its frozen surface.
A dwarf star is so dense that it would take 8 men to lift a teaspoon full of its matter.
The number of neuron cells in our brain is more than the total number of stars in our galaxy.
The planet Venus has the longest day.
The Earth is the densest planet in the solar system.
The moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days
Every second, the Sun pumps more than a million tons of material into the space through the solar wind (electrically charged particles.)
The planet Venus does not tilt as it goes around the Sun, so consequently, it has no seasons.
Since Neptune's discovery in 1846, it has made just about three-quarters of one revolution around the Sun.
The pressure at the centre of the Earth is 27,000 tons per square inch.
Uranus is tipped on its side so that one pole is pointed at the Sun, so its poles are warmer than its equator.
The smallest planet in our solar system is Pluto (now called 'dwarf planet' and not a true planet.)
A cosmic year is the amount of time it takes the Sun to revolve around the center of the Milky Way, about 225 million years.
A day on the planet Mercury is twice as long as its year. Mercury rotates very slowly but revolves around the Sun in slightly less than 88 days.
The star Alpha Herculis is so big that 25 of our entire solar system would have to be placed end to end to equal the star's diameter.
The star Sirius B is so dense, a handful of it weighs about 454,000 kgs (1 million pounds.)
The Sun contains over 99.8 percent of the total material (mass) in our solar system, while Jupiter contains most of the rest.
The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth.
The sun is about 149 million kms (93 million miles) from earth, yet it's 270,000 times closer than the next nearest star, which is 4.3 light years away.
A neutron star is the strongest magnet in the universe.
A new star is born in our galaxy every 18 days.
If a pulsar's (small star made up of densely packed neutrons) piece the size of a small coin landed on Earth, it would weigh approximately 100 million tons.
A day on Mercury, from sunrise to sunset, lasts about six Earth months.
A space vehicle must move at a rate of at least 27.35km (17 miles) per second to escape Earth's gravity.
The Sun loses 360 million tonnes of material each day.
The Earth-Moon size ratio is the largest in our solar system, excepting Pluto-Charon.
The Sun travels at a speed of 250km (155 miles) per second, but it still takes 230 million years for it to complete a single revolution of the galaxy.
Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in our solar system, almost three times taller than Mount Everest on Earth.
Jupiter's core is non-metal, but due to the immense pressure inside Jupiter, the core has become a metal. This metal is liquid metallic hydrogen.
The cosmos contains approximately 50,000,000,000 galaxies.
Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.
A large sunspot can last for about a week.
The Earth orbits the sun at an average speed of 107,220 kms per hour.
There is a high and low tide because of our moon and the Sun.
The moon is one million times drier than the Gobi Desert.
The moon is 27% the size of the Earth.
The Earth weighs 6.6 sextillion tons, or 5.97 x 1024 kg.
Sunlight takes about 8 minutes & 20 seconds to reach the Earth at 186,282 miles/sec (299,792 Km/sec).
An Astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space. The cartilage disks in the spine expand in the absence of gravity.

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